Our class is embarking on Blogging. We are excited to have our thinking and ideas going out for the world to read and comment on.
We are learning to write effectively to capture and keep our audience’s attention on our blogs.
Success Criteria:
1. Create an engaging introduction and conclusion to hook the reader.
2. Organize my ideas and make them flow using varying sentence lengths and paragraphs.
2. Organize my ideas and make them flow using varying sentence lengths and paragraphs.
(Paragraphs are a minimum of 3 sentences and our blogs will have 3 paragraphs minimum)
3. I can support my ideas with details, examples and feelings.
4. I can use effective word choice for my audience:
- start with a strong introduction
- ask a question
- use strong descriptive words
- write a quotation
- use strong verbs e.g. said==> mumbled or went==> travelled
- use adjectives eg. the gooey, delicious brownies
- use figurative language (or elements of style) eg. metaphor, simile, alliteration
5. I can make my writing readable by checking for COPS.
6. Including a picture to make it more visually interesting.