Tuesday, 12 April 2016

SMALL Changes Have BIG Impacts

The concept of living on a dollar a day is hard to fathom.  But it is the reality for 1.1 billion people throughout the world.  They are forced to survive without out an end to poverty in sight.  This was brought to my attention during the documentary Living on a Dollar a Day. It was made a few years back by 2 American college boys along with 2 cameramen.  Their goal was to live amongst the community of Pena Blanca, Guatemala for 8 weeks and live like the native people do, live on 1$ or less a day.
If 1.1 billion people are living in poverty what are the other approximate 7 billion people of the world doing about it?

The story depicts how living below the poverty line affects so many other aspects of life.  The lack of education the citizens have because they can’t afford to send you or your children to school to better their lives.  How does one choose between paying for their child education versus paying for food for a month for the entire family? When you are unable to feed your family with proper nutritious foods to help them grow, then their health declines.  The parents and children are sickly and lack the nutrients to fight off normal illness.  The life expectancy of people is low.

These people need money and resources to change their futures. Working with traditional banks to get loans to improve their lives is an uphill battle.  They require many documents that these people to not possess. (like an electricity bill...because their homes don’t have electricity).  These banks are too formal and are useless to the people.  Luckily, there are financial institutions called Grameen banks that are geared to helping these marginalized people.  Grameen banks make getting loans and money achievable.  They give small dollar amounts (in the hundred dollar range) in the form of loans.  The interest rates are pretty high, but it is worth it.  If a person receives a loan they must also open up  a saving account as well, to teach the people how to save and achieve other financial goals and  save for that rainy day.  The Grameen have empowered many people to set up small industries, fix infrastructure and make a plan for betterment.  

The documentary introduced to, Rosa.  A young woman who had aspirations of being a nurse but had no financial means to do so.  After a loan of $250, she was able to set up a weaving business.  The simple weaving business took off, with the help of the movie’s success.  She now has been able to attend nursing school and has hired 20 other women to continue her business.
The people of Pena Blanca lives are improving but we need to remember that they are still fighting to survive.